At All Saints we have several fundraisers a year. Check out Events for upcoming fundraisers.

The following quotes and sentences are from Henri J. M. Nouwen’s pamphlet on fundraising. 

Fundraising is, first and foremost, a form of ministry. It is a way of announcing our vision and inviting other people into our mission. Vision and mission are so central to the life of God’s people that without vision we perish and without mission we lose our way (Pro.29:18; 2Kings 21:1-9).  Vision brings together needs and resources to meet those needs (Acts9:1-19).  Vision also shows us new directions and opportunities for our mission.  Vision gives us courage to speak when we might want to remain silent (Acts 18:9). Fundraising is proclaiming what we believe in such a way that we offer other people an opportunity to participate with us in our vision and mission.  Fundraising is precisely the opposite of begging.  When we seek to raise funds we are not saying,” Please, could you help us out because lately it’s been hard.”  Rather, we are declaring, “We have a vision that is amazing and exciting.  We are inviting you to invest yourself through the resources that God has given you – your energy, your prayers, and your money – in this work to which God has called us.”   Every time we approach people for money, we must be sure that we are inviting them into this vision of fruitfulness and into a vision that is fruitful.   How does spiritual communion manifest itself concretely?  When fundraising as a ministry calls people together in communion with God and with one another, it must hold out the real possibility of friendship and community.  People have such a need for friendship and for community that fundraising has to be community-building   I wonder how many churches and charitable organizations realize that community is one of the greatest gifts they have to offer.  If we ask for money it means that we offer a new fellowship, a new brother-hood, a new sisterhood, a new way of belonging.